Demonstration tools are available for both the Betting and Accounts API. The tools can be used by developers for quick experimentation and interact directly with the live API via a simple user interface.
Just Getting Started?
Create your Application Key using the Accounts API Demo tool using the createDeveloperAppKeys operation.
Already Created an Application Key?
Request this using getDeveloperAppKeys using the Accounts API demo tool
- 1Build sample requests and interact with the API directly.
3Requests and responses are output to the JavaScript debug console viewable via the shortcut Ctrl+Shift+J in most browsers.
- 5Use “Full Screen” mode to open the tools in a new browser window for easy viewing.
2Experiment with the parameters for your API queries.
- 4Login to and refresh the page to automatically input the Session Token field.
- 6Already created an App Key? Request this using getDeveloperAppKeys using the Accounts API demo tool
Why use Demo Tools?
- You can easily experiment with the parameters for your API queries.
- You can build sample requests and interact with the API directly requests and responses are output to the JavaScript debug console using the shortcut Ctrl+Shift+J.